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Benedek Winery

The winery rests on the pillars of a family business. The parents and grandparents of both branches of the family were involved in viticulture and winemaking. The owner’s father embarked on serious developments in 1990, with a greater emphasis on quality wine. This has led to investment in regional development and technology. Improvements are still ongoing, as winemaking methods are rapidly evolving around the world, with constant ideas for new technology! The owner feels that this is his task too, as the knowledge he gained while at university must be combined with practice to create the best wine for the consumer’s table.

Wine region: Mátrai borvidék
Winemaker: Benedek Péter
Main grape varietie: chardonnay, sauvignon blanc, tramini, szürkebarát, cserszegi fűszeres, zenit, sárgamuskotály, rizlingszilváni, kékfrankos, cabernet sauvignon
Annual production: 7000

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