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Folly Arborétum

Grape production takes place on 10 hectares of property close to the Folly Arboretum, which, like the love and care of the arboretum, is a legacy passed down from generation to generation in the Folly family.
True to the traditions of the historic Badacsony wine region, their winery produces mainly white wines, and we bottle about 45,000 bottles of Folly wine every year.
Most of their wines are made using a reductive process, but some batches are also aged in barrels


Terület: 5 ha

Szőlőfajták: szürkebarát, muscat ottonel, budai zöld, olaszrizling

Dűlők: kisörsi hegy

Talaj: permi vörös homokkő, bazaltos altalaj

Borkészítés: reduktív borok és tölgyfahordóban erjedt és érett tiszta, jóivású borok helyi fajtákból

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