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Böjt Winery

László Böjt and his wife established the winery in Ostoros in 1993, which is now run by their children. Initially, a 3-hectare estate, it has grown steadily over the years to its current 16 hectares. They work with many grape varieties, but their range highlights the two flagship wines of the wine region – Egri Bikavér and Egri Csillag.

Wine region: Egri borvidék
Winemaker: Böjt Gergő
Estate sizet: 16 hektár
Main vineyards: Kutyahegyi-dűlő, Tagi-dűlő
Main grape varieties: Olaszrizling, Leányka, Sauvignon blanc, Ottonel muskotály, Kékfrankos, Cabernet sauvignon, Pinot noir, Merlot
Annual production: 40 000 bottles

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