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Dubicz Winery and Wine estate

Dubicz Borászat és SzőlőbirtokThe winery has been operating in the Borpalota building since 2003, at the headquarters of the former cooperative winery in Gyöngyös. There is a 1 km long cellar under the building. The winery is a key player in the Mátra Wine Region, managing more than 130 hectares. Their portfolio consists of three segments: the series “Mátra” is followed by “1014” (referring to the proximity of Kékes). And the top is represented by their wine specialties.

Wine region: Mátrai Borvidék
Winemaker: Tamás Barta
Estate size: 130 ha
Main grape varieties: szürkebarát, sauvignon blanc, olaszrizling, chardonnay, hárslevelű, tramini
Annual production: 1 millió  

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