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Bott Winery

The winery was founded in 2006 by József and Judit Bodó with 3.6 hectares, which they have continually expanded over the years. From the beginning, it was important for them to make wines that strived for naturalness. They are a real terroir winery which has gained a prominent place among artisanal wineries thanks to its numerous single-vineyard wines. Their wines sell out quickly, both here in Hungary and abroad.

Wine region: Tokaji borvidék
Winemaker: Bodó Judit
Estate sizet: 6,8 hektár
Main vineyards: Teleki, Előhegy, Határi, Csontos, Kulcsár, Palánkos
Main grape varieties: furmint, hárslevelű
Annual production: 10 000-15 000 bottles

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