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Bodri Winery

The Bodri Winery in Faluhely in Szekszárd is a true estate, with accommodation, a restaurant, sales and winery. Its new cellar is a 1,800 m2 brick building with 12 domes!  They produce increasingly lovely wines from their over 25 hectares of vines in the Faluhely, Gurovicza, Csötönyi-völgy, Gesztenyés and Iván-völgy vineyards. These are now the handiwork of Péter Urbán and Orsi Bodri. Their main grape varieties are Sauvignon Blanc, Olaszrizling, Chardonnay, Riesling, Kékfrankos, Kadarka, Merlot, Cabernet Franc, Zweigelt and Pinot Noir. Their Bikavér, Kadarka and Optimus Cuvée are particularly popular. Some wines are only available at the winery or in the Optimus Restaurant.

Wine region: Szekszárdi Borvidék
Winemaker: Urbán Péter, Bodri Orsolya
Estate size: 170 ha
Main vineyards: Faluhely, Gurovicza, Csötönyi-völgy, Gesztenyés, Iván-völgy
Main grape varieties: sauvingon blanc, olaszrizling, chardonnay, rajnai rizling, kékfrankos, kadarka, merlot, cabernet franc, zweigelt, pinot noir 

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