László Bussay

The winery was established in 1989 by Dr Laszló Bussay. Thanks largely to his and his wife’s work, the Zala wine region has regained its place on the Hungarian wine map. The first major developments began in 1992, with the current 5.5-hectare estate being established by 2007. Dr László Bussay’s two daughters took over the management of the estate in 2014. Their wines are full-bodied, concentrated and aged in oak.
Wine region: Zalai borvidék
Winemaker: dr. Bussay Dorottya
Estate size: 5,5 ha
Main vineyards: Kövecs-hegy, Birkás-dűlő, Kapatörő-dűlő, Izsó-völgy
Main grape varieties: tramini, olaszrizling, szürkebarát, rajnai rizling, pinot noir