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Ikon Winery

Rádpuszta was the property of the Tihany Benedictine Abbey for centuries. The Ikon Winery, founded by some wine-loving investors, exploded onto the wine scene in 2007. The director of the modern estate and winery was for many years János Konyári. The winery was chosen as Winery of the Year in 2013. The fruit for their red wines (Pinot Noir, Syrah, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon) comes from their newly planted 39 hectares of vines, while the whites are made from purchased grapes. A well as approachable, good-value-for-money wines, they also make various premium wines. They produce around 350,000 bottles per year. Wine region:  Balatonboglár Winemaker: Borbála Konyári Soil, rock: loess, brown forest soil Estate size: 39 ha Main vineyards: Rádi Hegy, Diós tető Main varieties: Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Syrah, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon Awards and recognitions: Producer of the Year 2008 (János Konyári), Winery of the Year 2013 Annual production: 350,000 bottles

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