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Laposa Estate

The 17-hectare Laposa Estate is one of the most popular wineries in Badacsony. Founded by József Laposa and his wife Nóra, it is now run by their children, Bence and Zsófia. Zsófi, who studied in Bordeaux, oversees the winemaking. Their vines are in the Badacsony, Szent György-hegy, Csobánc and Köves-hegy vineyards, but they also have a small plot in the Nagy-Somló wine region. They produce 120-150,000 bottles a year from Olaszrizling, Riesling, Pinot Gris, Kéknyelű, Furmint and Juhfark. Their terrace offers one of the most beautiful views of Lake Balaton, as well as excellent wines. Wine region: Badacsony and Nagy-Somló Winemakers:  Bence Laposa, Zsófia Laposa Estate size: 7 ha Main vineyards: Badacsony, Szent György-hegy, Csobánc, Köves-hegy and Nagy-Somló Main varieties: Olaszrizling, Riesling, Pinot Gris, Kéknyelű, Furmint and Juhfark Annual production: 120-150,000 bottles

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