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Nyakas Winery

Nyakas Winery uses modern technology to make fresh, reductive white wines with upfront primary aromas and flavours. Located near Tök, they have 154 hectares in Körte-völgy (Budajenő), Öreg-templom-völgy (Budajenő), Szajkós kertek (Tök) and Körtvélyes (Tök). Their main varieties are: Irsai Olivér, Chardonnay, Müller Thurgau, Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Gris, Kékfrankos, Pinot Noir, Kadarka, Riesling and Merlot. Their annual production is around 820,000 bottles but they also sell a significant amount of bulk wine locally. Wine region: Etyek-Buda Winemaker: Dr Bea Nyulné Pühra Estate size: 154 ha Main vineyards: Körte-völgy (Budajenő), Öreg-templom-völgy (Budajenő), Szajkós kertek (Tök), Körtvélyes (Tök) Main varieties: Irsai Olivér, Chardonnay, Müller Thurgau, Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Gris, Kékfrankos, Pinot Noir, Kadarka, Riesling, Merlot Winemaking/technology: The Nyakas Winery uses modern technology to make fresh, reductive white wines with upfront primary aromas and flavours. The cornerstones of their winemaking technology are gentle processing of grapes, the most efficient must clarification possible, low-temperature fermentation and the complete elimination of oxygen. Annual production: 820,000 bottles Awards and recognitions: Wine Producer of the Year 2002 (Ernő Maya)

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