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Ráspi, aka József Horváth, is one of the most interesting figures in the Sopron wine region, but perhaps on the whole of the Hungarian winemaking scene. Fans of Ráspi’s wines and food make pilgrimages to his cellar and restaurant in Fertőrákosi. The estate is 21 hectares. He makes wines from Kékfrankos, Zweigelt, Leányka, Pinot Noir, Syrah, Merlot, Kadarka, Csókaszőlő, Furmint, Zöldveltelini, Irsai Olivér and Cabernet Sauvignon from the Újhegy, Kraftner, Kereszthegy and Savanyúkút vineyards. Even Jancis Robinson rated his Zweigelt Selection very highly. He produces about 35,000 bottles each year. Wine region: Sopron Winemaker: József Horváth Soil/rock: limestone, mica, gneiss Estate size: 21 ha Main vineyards: Újhegy, Kraftner, Kereszthegy, Savanyúkút Main varieties: Kékfrankos, Zweigelt, Leányka, Pinot Noir, Syrah, Merlot, Kadarka, Csókaszőlő, Furmint, Zöldveltelini, Irsai Olivér, Cabernet Sauvignon Annual production: 35,000 bottles
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