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Gyula Pálffy Winery

Viticulture and winemaking have been passed down from father to son for generations in the Pálffy family. The grapes are produced organically in the Kál Basin and the wines made artisanally. The characteristic flavour of their wines is favourably influenced by the high acid and mineral content of the volcanic soil (basalt, lava and tuff rocks). Their wines are pure and elegant. Wine region: Balaton Highlands Winemakers: Gyula Pálffy, Attila Pálffy Estate size: 6 hectares Main vineyards: Csere-kút, Vaskapu, Csák-oldal, Mező-mál Main varieties: Olaszrizling, Pinot Gris, Gewürztraminer, Furmint, Juhfark, Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah Annual production: 30-40,000 bottles

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