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Balla Géza Magyarádi Fehér 2023 (V) (0,75l)

2,990 Ft
Balla Géza Magyarádi Fehér 2023 (V) (0,75l)
Manufacturer: Balla Géza
Expected delivery: March 14, 2025
Unit price: 3,986.67 Ft/
Model: 22807
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The typical white wine of the Ménes wine region. Magyarád belongs to the northern part of the Ménes wine region. This is where this rare grape variety comes from. Mustos white was made with a reductive process and cold fermentation. Its yellowish-white color is brilliantly clean, fresh, and has pleasant citrus aromas. Its taste is slim, but elegant, its hussar acids and its long finish are intense.
Évjárat teszt 2023
Winery Balla Géza
Colour White
Price category under 3.000 Ft
Volume 0,75 liter
Country Romania
Sweetness level Dry
What food goes well with this wine? Fehér (szárnyas) húsok