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Gizella Pince 6 puttonyos Aszú 2018

49,500 Ft
Gizella Pince 6 puttonyos Aszú 2018 (0,5l)
Manufacturer: Gizella Pince
Expected delivery: March 17, 2025
Unit price: 99,000.00 Ft/
Model: 18782
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In 2018, some areas of Tarcal and Bodrogkeresztúr produced special-quality ash grains. We soaked the aszu grains in a high-sugar and substantial base wine containing yellow muscatel, lime leaves and furmint for two days, followed by a one-and-a-half-year aging in barrels. The numbers are also unique, over 50 extracts, 237 sugars, 8.27 acids. The imprint of a hot vintage in the aszu category, it is full, rich and has many years of development ahead of it. It's worth tasting! Variety: 75.11% furmint, 20.48% lime-leaved, 4.41% yellow muscat Production area: Szil-völgy, Bajusz, Lestár, Deák and Kastély Harvest date: October 20-November 19. Bottled: August 27, 2020. Made : 1035 bottles Alcohol: 10.00% Acid: 8.27 g/L Natural sugar: 237.7 g/L Results: James Suckling 98 points (May 2022)
Évjárat teszt 2018
Winery Gizella Pince
Colour White
Price category above 10.000 Ft
Volume 0,5 liter
Wine region Tokaj
Country Hungary
Grape variety Aszú(esszencia)
Sweetness level Sweet
Wine style Sweet wine
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